Monday, December 8, 2008

Want Direct Mail?

Consider the story of Steven Padgett, mail carrier extraordinaire. After failing to deliver standard class mail for more than 7 years (!!), people on his route were not up in arms when they heard about it. Not at all. They came to his defense, as did the public at large, inspiring headlines including "Mailman fails to deliver, becomes local hero".

It just goes to show, despite all the 'great' direct mail marketers create, it isn't enough to overcome the general distaste for direct mail. As the DMA defends the value of direct marketing and works to limit consumer opt-out choices, it would be well served to consider the environment our collective behavior has inspired. Working to maintain the 'right' to behave in a way that rankles consumers is not the long term solution.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The petition calling for a national Do Not Mail Registry just surpassed 75,000 signatures.

Sign it at .