Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Consolidate processes to increase efficiency

As we enter the final stages of 2009 planning, we are looking for ways
to squeeze more out of each program. Yet in just the last couple days,
I have talked to clients who are continuing to plan and execute each
campaign individually. As we are all pushed to deliver more with less,
it is time for this approach to end. By pooling resources and
consolidating processes, you can do more with less.

Here are a few examples where processes can be consolidated to save
time, money, or both.

List Rentals: consolidate your list research. You will save time, and
depending on the size of your programs, you may save money and
increase your list options as well.

Production: Combining multiple print jobs can reduce costs. For
smaller campaigns in the same format, the savings can be dramatic. And
save time on press checks while you are at it.

Advertising: Look to establish larger relationships with partners that
can cross multiple campaigns. Not only will you get price
efficiencies, you may find yourself getting better service with your
increased scale as well.

Webcasts: Consider a larger webcast instead of another webcast. You
willl save on speaker and productions costs as well as your time to
manage the program.

Fewer campaigns: This is heresy to many traditional direct marketers,
but if you have more than a handful of campaigns, make certain you
really need all of them. The cost of running two campaigns is
significantly more in terms of time and, if you aren't already
consolidating processes, money. By combining the budgets for two
campaigns, you can increase reach, improve offers, or upgrade campaign
elements within your existing budget.

In short, look across all your marketing activities for opportunities
to operate more efficiently.

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